Bring your datasurprisingly to life.

"Prediction is difficult especially when it concerns the future." (Wim Kan). That's a truism. Nevertheless, there are two trends that will almost certainly have a major impact on our western civilization in the coming decades: digitalization and aging. With creative solutions, QuantSense helps you to respond to these two trends in a decisive manner.
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Know your competitor

Every morning actual insight into what your competitors have been doing in the last 24 hours. In B2C markets, more is possible than you may imagine!

"We want real-time insight into our competitors' prices."

We build an application that automatically retrieves competitors' prices on a daily basis, summarizing the results in an engaging report.

Daily insight into what the competition is doing. Fully automated.

The art of combining

In many organizations, the tendency is to limit themselves primarily to "own" data. This is a shame because there is so much available, often even "open source" so that you can enrich your files with external data sources without incurring too many costs.

"How can we supplement and enrich our existing data?"

Depending on the requirements, we can access open, semi-open and commercial data sources such as CBS, BAG, KvK, Kadaster and Graydon. For getting most out of the combined data sources, we implement an appropriate text mining algorithm.

Enhanced data quality and more valuable data fields.

Garbage in, garbage out

Not a sexy topic but essential for any organization looking to use data strategically: data quality. A sensitive subject. Experience shows, after all, that you always "find something (an often a lot)." We help you navigate smoothly through all layers of the organization, resulting in better insights and predictions.

"We want to get more value and insight out of our data but the quality still leaves much to be desired. How do we realize a structural improvement of our data quality, now and in the future?"

We first address the root cause, which is usually organizational rather than (solely) technical. We provide real-time insight into progress using a KPI dashboard. We define and implement controls to catch input errors "upstream" in the data process.

Step-by-step and measurable improvement of data quality.

Goodbye Excel

Nearly 90% of all Excel sheets contain errors (Forbes).

"Periodically our department runs a (reporting) process based on a large number of Excel sheets. How do we improve throughput, reproducibility and quality of the output?"

Together with the client, we optimize the data formats and transform the Excel jungle into a structured reporting pipeline.

Less errors, (much) less rework resulting in 3 days less lead time every month. The automation of repetitive tasks results in more job satisfaction.

Know your competitor

Every morning actual insight into what your competitors have been doing in the last 24 hours. In B2C markets, more is possible than you may imagine!

"We want real-time insight into our competitors' prices."

We build an application that automatically retrieves competitors' prices on a daily basis, summarizing the results in an engaging report.

Daily insight into what the competition is doing. Fully automated.

The art of combining

In many organizations, the tendency is to limit themselves primarily to "own" data. This is a shame because there is so much available, often even "open source" so that you can enrich your files with external data sources without incurring too many costs.

"How can we supplement and enrich our existing data?"

Depending on the requirements, we can access open, semi-open and commercial data sources such as CBS, BAG, KvK, Kadaster and Graydon. For getting most out of the combined data sources, we implement an appropriate text mining algorithm.

Enhanced data quality and more valuable data fields.

Garbage in, garbage out

Not a sexy topic but essential for any organization looking to use data strategically: data quality. A sensitive subject. Experience shows, after all, that you always "find something (an often a lot)." We help you navigate smoothly through all layers of the organization, resulting in better insights and predictions.

"We want to get more value and insight out of our data but the quality still leaves much to be desired. How do we realize a structural improvement of our data quality, now and in the future?"

We first address the root cause, which is usually organizational rather than (solely) technical. We provide real-time insight into progress using a KPI dashboard. We define and implement controls to catch input errors "upstream" in the data process.

Step-by-step and measurable improvement of data quality.

Goodbye Excel

Nearly 90% of all Excel sheets contain errors (Forbes).

"Periodically our department runs a (reporting) process based on a large number of Excel sheets. How do we improve throughput, reproducibility and quality of the output?"

Together with the client, we optimize the data formats and transform the Excel jungle into a structured reporting pipeline.

Less errors, (much) less rework resulting in 3 days less lead time every month. The automation of repetitive tasks results in more job satisfaction.


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